Our Tubing sessions consist of learning how to control a rubber ring whilst floating down fast-moving white water. This really is a popular activity as it requires no skill to bounce off rocks and float down the river uncontrollably. As you head through the Rapids you will realise how much fun it is to mix white water and tubes. As you head downstream you’ll be laughing at your friends and family falling out and having a ball playing in the river features.
This session of tubing is actually suitable for ages of 7 upwards.

Safety measures.
1. We offer you with strong life vests which keeps you floating on water.
2.well trained And Experienced Guides who have worked on the Nile for over 8yrs .
3. While going for white water Tubing , we provide you a number of Safety Kayakers who helps you to get back on the tubing in case you fall off because of the waves which are their during white water tubing
4. First Aid box is always with us on the trip to ensure medication in case of any un health problem.

This activity goes for $45 ( shs150,000 pp)
Including Photography +videography +Drinks(2cold Nile on the Nile / soda +water) fresh fruits (pineapple+watermelon)+ Jinja Rolex + Biscuits + Pick ups from jinja and back to jinja city At Java house

Our 24/7 Phone Services

Call/WhatsApp: +256705884954

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